Falando sério agora.

Here are my Terms of Service related to my commissions and services.

You will be automatically accepting the following ToS if you go and request a commission from me.

Payment and refund policy

1 • Payments will only be made via PayPal or Stripe with the invoice system of each respective platform.2 • The client will have two options for when to pay: Full payment upfront or half and half.
For the half and half option, I charge half of the total agreed price of the artwork before starting the work, and I charge the other half of the total price right before delivering the final product. I will only start creating the artwork after receiving the first half of the payment, and I will only deliver the final product in high resolution after receiving the full payment.
3 • If the client decides to cancel the commission request after full upfron payment, I will only refund half of the total price of the artwork if I already started working on it. And for the half and half case, I will not refund the first half of the total price when I begin the work on the drawing, and I will not refund the customer for any reason after the final product in full resolution is delivered to them. If I havent even begun work on the client's request before they cancelled it they can have a full refund of what they paid.4 • However, if I, the artist, for some reason decide to cancel the commission work before having a finished product while the client still wanted me to finish it, I will refund the client everything they have paid.

Use of my art

1 • I retain the copyright to the image as the artist, so I can use the image in any way I want and post it wherever I want it unless it a pivate commission.2 • My art cannot be used for commercial purposes and cannot be turned into a NFT. I also do not consent any of my art to be used for the training and testing of any artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neural network or any similar technology.3 • The customer can post the artwork on social media and use it for personal purposes, as long as I receive the appropriate credits for creating the image. This can be done by sharing one of my social pages or art pages or my screen name.4 • Edited versions of my image must still be accompanied by appropriate credits to me for creating the original image. The watermark cannot be removed.5 • Clients buying adopts from me will have to follow the specific rules attached to each adopt which can be seen in the posts where the adopt is advertised and on the invoice request.

The process of the image creation

1 • I can reject any commission request for any reason without having to give any explanation.2 • It is highly preferable that the client provide reference images, so I can understand better how to make the artwork, thus speeding up and facilitating the process for me and the client. I can use reference sheets, a mood board, images of things the customer wants in the image, and even images of poses.3 • The amount of time it takes for me to complete the commission largely depends on the type and complexity of image the client has asked for, whether I am working on another client's commission, personal artwork and other real life commitments. At the beginning of the process, I will give a time estimate and will let the client know about any unforeseen events that could significantly delay me.4 • During the process, I will show the client some previews of each stage of the artwork in order to guarantee their approval of the current state of the image. The amount of previews will be based on what type of image the customer requested and it's complexity. I will need the client's approval before proceeding to the next stage of the artwork.5 • Any changes made to the image are free during the sketch phase, but I can charge a small fee to apply any drastic and significant changes made to the image after the final sketch phase is approved. No changes will be made after the final product is approved and delivered.

The client who I deem to be breaking these terms of service intentionally will make me reject any commission proposals from them in the future and add them to a blacklist.

Now that you are done with this wall of text, feel free to contact me in any of my socials to request a commission! I can also answer any of your questions or doubts about my services.